Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Glorify God in your body

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Or do you not know your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."

We are given only one earthly body to house our souls for all of the days we are given here on this earth. One body to get us around everyday. God took the time to carefully design every detail about you. He took great care and pleasure in his creation. Our bodies are really a gift. We rely on our bodies daily. We expect them to be there for us.

In 1Corinthians, God is telling us to glorify Him with our bodies. He provided us with foods that are from the earth, made by our creator, rich in nutrients, specifically designed for what we need to stay healthy. Yet we so often reach for the foods created by man. Foods that comfort us, as opposed to those that nourish us. Foods that satisfy our immediate wants. Our taste buds. Our emptiness. Our habits.

When you own a car, you have to give it the proper fuel if you want it to keep running. You keep it tuned up. Clean it inside and out on a regular basis. Do all of the necessary things to keep it going so that you can rely on it to get you around. You want to get as many good years as you can out of it. You take pride in it.

Why can't we put as much energy into caring for our bodies? They can't be replaced. Sure they can be treated and repaired through medicine and doctors, but they can never be replaced. So why not try to focus on fueling your body with the things that will keep it going strong for years to come? Fuel that will lengthen our days on earth and make us feel and function our best. Fuel that was designed specifically for that purpose. Fuel that protects the "temple of the Holy Spirit within you".....

Maybe if we can learn to live by these words, and focus on fueling our bodies instead of feeding our mouths or emotional needs, we can accomplish our best level of fitness. Maybe if we can learn that it's not about trying to fit into a size 2, or develop body builder muscle tone, we can have success in healthy living. And maybe if we can remember this verse daily, we can stop focusing so much on vain ambitions, and can truly "glorify God in our bodies".

Physical fitness and healthy choices are a daily struggle. We are faced with temptations that make it very hard to remember why we even have food. Memorize these words. Pray about what they mean to you and about where you're going wrong. Remember them in your daily choices, especially in times of temptation.

I don't believe that we are forbidden to indulge in special treats. But I do believe special treats should be occasionally enjoyed in moderation. We need to practice self control every day and say no a LOT more often!!

Again, my email is lacysfitnessblog@gmail.com. I pray that we can all encourage each other to glorify God in our bodies.

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